Corona Virus Day 31: A review

After a month with the country on lock-down, a proper review is on its place. Here’s what I’ve learned.

  • Writing (good) titles is way harder than I thought. Especially as you have to come up with something new for each post.
  • People are fucking stupid. Imagine how dumb the average person is. Now imagine that half the population is dumber than that. Keeping your distance and not gathering in large congregations is not that hard.
  • Hoarding toilet paper ranks pretty high on the list of dumb things you can do. If you need 150 rolls of toilet paper for 14 days, then you have far worse things to worry about than Corona virus.
  • That counts double for all the people who hoarded yeast. Your average Karen doesn’t bake for shit and now she’s suddenly become a master baker overnight? Yeah right. After two days of baking, she realizes it sucks and are stuck with 20 packets of fresh yeast. Packets that all go bad pretty quick.
  • It takes surprisingly few people to keep our society running. Mad props to the people at the front lines.
  • Denmark really have its shit together compared to other countries. Really glad I’m not living in Italy, Spain or the USA at the moment.
  • Don’t trust anything coming out from China. Their propaganda machine is running at full steam ahead right now.
  • We’re probably not going to travel anywhere anytime soon. Goodbye summer holidays.
  • Working from home has it perks, but I miss going to the office.
  • I have reconnected to old friends I haven’t talked to a long time.
  • I miss social interactions big time. Being stuck in your apartment for long periods of time is no fun. Everything is closed down, so you can’t even go to the movies, go out and eat, grab a drink or something else.
  • This is not going to be over anytime soon, we’re in it for the long run.
  • Keeping up with all the Corona news can be quite depressing. Moderation is key.

I hope the worst is over for new, but we’ll probably see some recurring waves and things going backwards a couple of times before we’re back to normal.

May you live in interesting times, as the old proverb goes. I would rather not, this is pretty inconvenient.

This is part of a series of posts I’ve written about the Corona virus and how it have impacted our society. Equal parts news, observations and thoughts. See the rest of the posts here.