Map making

So, in preparation for my D&D campaign I made some maps. These were just basic maps, scribbled on a piece of paper. 15 minutes of work tops, most of that spent on making up names and deciding the general layout.
I’ve thought I ought to do better, so I brushed of my trusty Wacom tablet (which have been gathering dust for far too long) and set on drawing up a proper map. As I have never really drawn proper maps before, my knowledge was somewhat limited. However, thanks to some great tutorials over at I soon found myself knee deep in the drawing process.

At first I started out with an isometric view based on sprites I had found of buildings and trees. However, it didn’t quite catch me properly. It seemed off and it was too much work looking for sprites that would fit together stylistically. So I dropped that and went with a normal top-down view.

Enough talking, here is a work in progress picture of a local village (click on it for full version:

Village Map WIP

I’ve still got a lot of work to do, mostly on the buildings. The forests are somewhat finished and that’s just about it.
It’s very fun though. I’ve actually forgot how much I enjoyed drawing, which is a shame. I intend to spend more time on drawing, as I’ve wanted to be good at drawing stuff. It is, as I’ve found, a skill that only gets better the more you do it.