Bachelor thesis

I haven’t really written much lately, as I’ve been busy with my internship examn (which I aced with a grade 12) and bachelor thesis. I’m in the process of figuring out what to write about, or to put it another way, I know what to write about, I just need a proper problem definition. I have yet to figure that out, but in the meantime I’ve been busy reading up on the needed theory behind it. To say it is boring is to put it mildly and I’m really struggling with my motivation. I just can’t be arsed to do it. I figure it will go a lot better when I start writing.
We have a maximum of 40 pages I think, with a minimum of 20. So I’m aiming for around 30, which should be achievable without much effort. It’s better to go for quality than quantity.

In other news, I have been trying to get some D&D arranged, but trying to arrange something with my group is like herding cats. Can’t get people to commit in a regular manner, so I’ve started looking for a group outside my friend circle. It has proven to be a tad more difficult than expected, but I’m soldiering on. Hopefully I will find something.